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Sunday 13 July 2014

Kin Kin Chilli Pan Mian - How to cook it at home?

One of the main reasons why I started this blog was because I wanted to share my cooking experiences with friends who are interested. Initially, I shared them on Facebook but I was not very satisfied with the platform because I did not want to spam my friends' FB with food pictures. Then I went on to share on Singapore Home Cooks but I found it difficult to track what I had shared.

Recently, I went to try Kin Kin Chilli Pan Mian in Macpherson, which inspired me to recreate the dish at home instead of travelling all the way elsewhere. It was cheaper too! I only spent S$10 on ingredients which could feed three and still have left over vegetables, fish balls and meatballs left for the next day.

Presentation version to Mixed version 
I am not a real chef, unlike my mother-in-law, because I do not make my chilli from scratch. I am working so I look for easy and healthy ways. I realised that the chilli used in Kin Kin is chilli flakes so I managed to find a bottle of chilli flakes oil in NTUC - similar to those that you would find in Crystal Jade. I also seldom follow any fixed recipes. As what Singapore Home Cooks say on FB, I am using LLH (Luan Luan Hoot) method - taste and cook and adjust until I am happy.

I bought everything from NTUC including the Ban Mian.


I air fried the ikan bilis - very crispy and fragrant!

I used a little dark and light soya sauce, oyster sauce and sesame oil for seasoning the ban main and minced meat. When cooking ban mian, drop it in when the water is cold. Otherwise, if you drop it in when the water is boiling, it will stick together.

When it is cooked, transfer the noodles into a bowl and run it with running water to wash away any remaining flour smell until the water is clear.

For people who want to be hassle free and don't want to do the poach egg the ang moh way, just crack the egg in a ladle and place the ladle into hot boiling water. Just like Kin Kin, you mix the chilli the way you like it. My husband and I loved the end product! Yummy and satisfied my Kin Kin Pan Mian Craving.

I hope my sharing would inspire you to try out hawker fare at home too! Healthier and cheaper!

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