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Saturday 12 July 2014

How to cook beef steak with a frying pan and improve your Caesar Salad?

What would you do if restaurants like Astons keep failing you? You order medium but the beef is tough and dry! You can always try cooking your own beef steak. I would not try this frequently because it makes a mess of my kitchen. My first attempt sucked big time. My steak was a pale grey. I knew I could not rely on my LLH (Luan Luan Hoot) method. I need to consult Google.

I found Gordon Ramsay You Tube on using a frying pan to cook beef steak. 

It worked and tasted juicy! Try it! You will feel immensely satisfied. Tip - You need to adjust your cooking time if the thickness of your beef is not the same as the recipes or videos.

Caesar Salad
I tried a version of caesar salad at Canopy (Bishan Park). I was delighted to see a poached egg perch on top of the salad. Ooooooo, let me tell you, once you have tried poached egg with caesar salad, you never want to try the normal ones again. I told myself I must replicate it one day!

My mind was a blank because I did not know how to do a caesar dressing so I goggled. Guess what my dear readers??? I was so surprised that the main ingredient of the dressing is raw garlic!

I also googled how to make a poached egg.

The results were fantastic! I tried making caesar salad the second time with ready made sauce from supermarket. Oh yucks! You just can't replicate restaurant style caesar with ready made sauce so don't be lazy like me - make it from scratch! Don't give up if you fail the first time and condemn yourself you can't cook! You can!

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